Hi, I’m Diego.
If we were at a cocktail party and you asked me the standard “What do you do?” I’d give you my standard, surface-level response about how I've consulted over 300 businesses in my career. From Fortune 500 companies to startups, I'd tell you I've worked with clients of all sizes to help them scale their businesses. I'd tell you I've worked in sales training, marketing, and tech, specifically in DevSecOps.
Now if we went deeper and really got to know each other, I’d tell you that my true passion lies in exploring topics I find interesting like philosophy, art, and self-improvement. Combining ideas from what I think, what I've experienced, what I read, and what I listen to, and turning that wonderful combination into something uniquely me, which I usually express through writing (though I give myself full liberty to tinker with other mediums)—that's what I really enjoy. That version of me feels way more authentic.
I'd tell you I love traveling and that my two favorite cities are Tokyo and Barcelona. I'd tell you that I often journal on trips and that my brain seems to work differently when I'm in a different country, outside of my comfort zone, smelling new smells, seeing new things, surrounded by foreign languages that make me feel like an outsider, which I never mind, because I've never really felt like I fit in, nor do I want to.

I tend to have more interesting insights on trips abroad than when I’m back home here in the U.S., so I try my best to capture them before they flutter away (and now I finally have a home for them outside of my journal). As I write this, I’m thinking about a journaling session that lasted well past midnight on a balcony in Madrid, where I spent that time thinking deeply about my past and future and what the hell I wanted to do with my life. Beautiful memory.
Now what is this newsletter for?
As I’ve progressed in my career, gotten older, and achieved those traditional societal markers of success, I’ve been trying to figure out what’s worth chasing, and if those things I’ve been chasing really are what makes a good life.
I’ve been trying to make sense of the world and my place in it. I’ve been trying to figure out if there really is a right way to live, if there truly are formulas that give you consistent outcomes (I do this, and that has a high probability of happening), and if those formulas can be distilled into some sort of artifact that can live on, whether it be a piece of art, writing, video, audio.
Of course, I’m aware it’s all subjective.
But I’ve learned a lot along my journey up my mountain. And I’d like to pass along some of the helpful things I’ve learned (and am learning) in the hopes that it helps you up yours.
Thanks for stopping by and reading this far.
I hope you enjoy my writing ✌️
PS. Oh and about that journaling session in Madrid, I never quite arrived at a satisfying answer. It seems this newsletter is also secretly an attempt to answer it.